Legacy Giving
Your lasting gift to the world's poorest people
Rehema Nihibizi Nionzenga, aged 9, with her mother Esper Halera in Shasha, Democratic Republic of Congo. A Gift in your Will could help another child like Rehema.
A lasting gift in your Will for the world’s poorest people is one of the most wonderful gifts any of us can hope to bestow in our lifetime. More and more of our supporters are choosing to include a gift to CBM in their Will. Through the work of CBM, your gift will continue to live on after your time here on earth. Your gift will be a testament to the humanity and compassion that you have shown throughout your life.
For more information about leaving a gift in your Will, or to request information in the post, call 01 873 0300, or email info@cbm.ie. Or download a legacy information booklet below.