CBM Ireland and Coronavirus

What is CBM doing overseas towards treating or preventing Coronavirus? 

Our hospitals and clinics are still open to provide services to the most vulnerable, neglected and forgotten. We are working with field partners to ensure essential programs continue and people with disabilities are included in response efforts. We are very aware that the 1 billion people with disabilities are unduly impacted in times of crisis. Our work must continue. 

Is there a specific appeal I can donate to? 

Any generous donations will go towards our overseas programs in general and will be used where the need is greatest. 

How is it affecting CBM staff and partners overseas? 

The health and safety of our staff is of upmost importance and we continue to work with our in country staff to ensure appropriate measures are in place for their wellbeing.  

Can CBM Programme teams visit and evaluate the projects at the moment? 

Not at this time, due to the restrictions on travel being enforced by the government, however, our lines of communication are open as usual. Our programme staff here will be keeping in regular contact with our in country staff, to ensure our programmes continue to run effectively. 

How has it impacted the office?

All CBM Ireland office staff are working from home, in keeping with Government guidelines, with our phone and digital channels still open. You are still able to call the office number as normal should you have any needs. 

Will CBM Ireland be shutting down? 

No, we are doing everything possible to ensure our work continues, as those we serve need all of our help, more than ever. 

Can we still donate via the post?

Yes, we are still accepting postal donations, but our ability to process is limited. It would greatly benefit CBM Ireland if you are able to donate online via our website or call (01) 8730300 to make a safe, secure donation towards our work.

Message from Sarah O’Toole, CEO, CBM Ireland

Message from Sarah O’Toole, CEO, CBM Ireland